Aug 1, 2022
Pain, sensitivity, and trouble eating or sleeping are only a few of the uncomfortable symptoms of a damaged tooth. Sometimes the inside portion of a tooth, or its pulp, becomes so damaged that action must be taken. It could come in the form of extracting the tooth or...Jun 27, 2022
What is a dental crown? A dental crown encases a damaged tooth completely within a custom-fit cap, or crown, fitting perfectly over the affected tooth. A dental crown is designed specifically for you and your tooth’s particular design, fit and function. It is a...Jun 20, 2022
If you have been living with a mouth full of badly decayed teeth, infected gums or painful tooth infections, your dentist may have talked to you about how dentures can transform your smile. While no one wants to extract all of his or her teeth and have no remaining...Jun 13, 2022
Chewing and swallowing can be tricky after wisdom tooth extraction. Gauze pads and a sore mouth can make eating sound unappealing, but it is vital to your healing to maintain a healthy diet. When you have a tooth extracted, a clot forms to help with healing. It’s...Jun 6, 2022
Modern technology is constantly making strides in improving dentistry, and the area of teeth straightening is no exception. In order to get your dream smile, you don’t have to be stuck with a mouth full of unsightly and uncomfortable metal braces any longer....May 23, 2022
Invisalign Teen is a revolutionary way to straighten your adolescent’s teeth without the hassle of traditional metal braces. Invisalign utilizes a system of clear, removable aligner trays that are custom fit to your teen. The aligners are worn over the teeth and...BRICE DENTAL GROUP
1600 Brice Rd.
Suite 2
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068
Office Hours
Mon: 8:00 - 5:00
Tues: 8:00 - 5:00
Wed: 7:30 - 2:00
Thu: 8:00 - 5:00
Fri: 8:00 - 2:00